We've got a little present for you for the Bealtaine Festival. A 'Gaeilge agus Fáilte' window sticker, plus a pen "which only writes in Irish". Order anything throughout May and you will get your free gift (worth €4) in the package.
A new seanfhocal for spring. With the way things are going for the Irish Language these days we thought this would be just the one "An té nach bhfuil láidir, ní foláir dó bheith glic' and it seems we need all our 'gliceas' or cunning, to stand up to the strength of the forces that appear to be against us at present. This strong design is available in organic earth-positive t-shirts, and sweatshirts and hoodies in various coloursAs you can see above, we've also got an unusual new t-shirt design in English. Basically it's aimed at people who just don't like to hear the Irish Language spoken. We got the idea from our friend at Cowbois.com in Wales.
We've also just produced a lovely new product that I'm sure you will all love. A beautiful little babygrow for the tiniest person in the family, with the words "Be nice to my mammy, she's not sleeping too well at present'.
Another piece of news is that we are now up and running on both Facebook and Twitter. You can join us by clicking the links above.
HAVING PROBLEMS WITH ORDERING? Please let us know. Email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call (00353-91-553343) preferably during Irish working hours. If you prefer, you can also order over the phone
Tá an t-earrach buailte linn, spring is upon us. Come and see us in An Spidéal. We're open now 7 days a week.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Criú an Spailpín