Tá sé go hiontach. Bhuaigh muid gradam. It's nice to get some recognition for our efforts in providing a top quality bilingual website. Of course there were many other fantastic Irish companies also in the running. But this time it was our turn, and the good news is, that we're also shortlisted in the "Best Irish Language" category in the Eircom Spiders.
We have recently changed our categories a bit. In response to customers' requests, we are now printing more classic sweatshirts (no hoods) with some of our great designs. Not everyonee likes hoodies, it appears. We've also got a new, fully zipped hoody. Check them out. Tá siad an-deas
Our SEANFHOCAL RANGE is continuing, but from now on it will be a new Irish proverb for every season. Our current seanfhocal is 'Ní íseal ná uasal, ach thíos seal is thuas seal', meaning 'We are neither low (class) or high (class), but down a while and up a while', available on organic t-shirts and high quality sweatshirts and hoodies
HAVING PROBLEMS WITH ORDERING? Please let us know. Email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call (00353-91-553343) preferably during Irish working hours. If you prefer, you can also order over the phone
Tá an Nollaig ag teacht, don't forget your friends and relations living abroad
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Criú an Spailpín